Tyler's 2023 Goals (Revisited)
Travel outside of the country
Last December, I decided that I wanted to travel outside of the country and navigate all of the hoops that come with getting a passport and traveling to another country. There was no way I was ever going to go through the steps to get my passport until there was a timely reason to have it.
This year, I traveled to both Iceland and Mexico! I went to Iceland with my brother for 5 days and I spent 4 days in Mexico for one of my friends' birthdays.

For the longest time, I've only had one item on my bucket list: see the northern lights. On my trip to Iceland I was very antsy about being able to see them and also apprehensive about what they might look like to the naked eye vs. a long exposure on a camera.

Needless to say, I was impressed. The stars aligned and we stood out in 10-ish degree weather just in awe of the lights dancing in the sky. One of my favorite Disney scenes from my childhood is in Brother Bear when they reach "where the lights touch the sky" and there's a huge explosion of color, light, and spiritual imagery.
I am happy to have started my international travels, and to have checked this off of my goals list.
Regular 'family' dinners
I think I've had this regular family dinners thing on my goals list for awhile, and I think it's time to remove it. I have always loved the idea of a static event that happens on a predictable cycle, but I just don't' think it matches my lifestyle.
What I really want in life is to build community through food. I just spent the last few minutes scrolling through all of the food pictures I've taken and so many of them are from parties with anywhere from 3 to 30 people.
I've really enjoyed being able to use my house as a gathering place for all of my friends and family, and even now I'm getting ready to host Christmas Eve and Christmas day at my house.

Finish more physical fiction books
I'd still like to read more books. I've read a few here and there but nothing significant. Yet another goal to bring into the new year.